Welcome to The Bloom Wagon

The Bloom Wagon is a traveling florist that specializes in personalizing the florist experience by bringing the blooms directly to you or someone special!


Our Signature Collection

The Bloom Wagon Signature Collection includes 3 bouquets that have a heart warming feeling attached. We hope that the stories behind these bouquets will inspire you or bring a little happiness to your life!


The Patricia Bouquet

This bouquet is dedicated to the woman who inspired The Bloom Wagon. Briauna’s mother provided a creative atmosphere for her upbringing, inspiring Briauna to express herself through art. The Patricia Bouquet has classic red roses, white daisies, beautiful greenery, and a surprise additional flower for extra creativity.

The Sunshine Bouquet

This bouquet is inspired by Briauna’s two favorite flowers; roses & sunflowers. Growing up Briauna planted sunflowers every year in a garden tended to by herself and her father. The flowers were the sunshine of her summer every year.

The B.W. Bouquet

This bouquet is inspired by Briauna’s grandmother Betty Sue Wescott. As a child, Briauna adored her grandmother’s hydrangea bush in the front yard. This simple bouquet has full hydrangea bushes and beautiful greenery to accompany the flower.


Meet The Florist

Briauna is a Delaware native, who was born into creativity. At a young age, her artist mother and musician father inspired Briauna to be as creative as she wanted to be. She grew up with a vivid imagination, and was taught to follow her passions and the things that make her happy. Growing up, Briauna and her mother shared a love for beautiful flowers. As a teenager, Briauna always wanted to purchase flowers for her mother, but couldn’t fathom paying the expensive florist prices. She began to buy flowers at the grocery store and arrange them herself to surprise



The Bloom Blog

The Bloom Blog is coming soon!